

HQ Plants American Elm Tree

An American elm at Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., estimated to be more than 200 years old. They prefer full sun to light shade and moist, fertile loamy soil. They can tolerate drier areas as well as clay, silt, or sand. Temporary flooding is OK during the winter, but good drainage is required during the growing season. They are fast growers. You can plant American elms in your lawn, an abandoned meadows or as a street tree or shade tree. Elms are striking in the landscape, so plant where you can enjoy them! Keep a large mulch ring around the tree to reduce grass competition and damage from lawn implements. The mulch will also keep the soil moist and the roots cool. If you keep the tree as free from stress as possible, it will be more likely to ward off disease of any kind.

1 Different 3D models in the scene

Height: 1600 cm

1- Materials is archive (material library)

Corona mtl + Vray mtl + Standard mtl

2-Polys: 900k + Verts: 1563k

3- 4K texture + 4K material

4- JPEG (texture), MAX + OBJ + MTL

5- 3dmodels: MAX + OBJ

6- Corona render + Vray render (Renderer Engine-MAX)

Scanline render (Renderer Engine-OBJ)

7- Models have unwrapped overlapping and

maps supported traditional 3ds Max texturing.

(tiling coordinates)


To use the max file you need to use at 3dsmax 2015 Units: Millimeter Clean Topology (quad mesh) You Can Add Turbo Smooth If you have any problems for setting up the models, send me a message here.

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