Pro Dry Or Dead Tree 02 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, fbx Dimensions: Height: 550cm x 650cm Vertices: 1042000 Dry Or Dead Tree 02 12 months ago3ds max, fbx 5.00 USD
Pro Dry Or Dead Tree 01 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Height: 550cm x 650cm Vertices: 1162000 Dry Or Dead Tree 01 12 months ago3ds max, fbx, obj 3.00 USD
Pro Acer Buergerianum and Saccharinum Spring 3ds Max 2015 corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Height: 7.6m, 8.7m, 9.8m, 10m Vertices: 2114000 Acer Buergerianum and Saccharinum Spring 1 year ago3ds max, obj 7.00 USD
Pro Pine tree set2 (3 Trees) 3ds Max 2016 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: 34609 x 12317 x 24131mm Vertices: 204188 Pine tree set2 (3 Trees) 1 year ago3ds max, obj 4.00 USD