Pro Indoor plants set 105 Wilsonii Chemlali Olive and Wallisii Bellini Peace Lily Domino 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Height: 60cm x 80cm x 95cm x 130cm x 135cm Vertices: 1155000 Indoor plants set 105 Wilsonii Chemlali Olive and Wallisii Bellini Peace Lily Domino 5 months ago3ds max, fbx, obj 5.00 USD
Pro Indoor plants set 111 Areca Palm Paradise Kentia 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Height: 70 cm x 90 cm x 130 cm x 140 cm x 160cm Vertices: 511000 Indoor plants set 111 Areca Palm Paradise Kentia 5 months ago3ds max, fbx, obj 5.00 USD
Pro HQ HousePlants Spathiphyllum Wallisii Bellini Peace Lily Domino Set04 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona, standard -Formats: 3ds max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Height: 60 cm x 90 cm x 100 cm x 120 cm Polygons: 147000 Vertices: 154000 HQ HousePlants Spathiphyllum Wallisii Bellini Peace Lily Domino Set04 6 months ago3ds max, fbx, obj 4.00 USD
Pro HQ HousePlants Spathiphyllum Wallisii Bellini Peace Lily Domino Set03 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona, standard -Formats: max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Height: 100 cm Polygons: 20000 Vertices: 21000 HQ HousePlants Spathiphyllum Wallisii Bellini Peace Lily Domino Set03 7 months agomax, fbx, obj 2.00 USD
Pro HQ HousePlants Spathiphyllum Wallisii Bellini Peace Lily Domino Set02 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona, standard -Formats: max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Height: 100 cm Polygons: 18000 Vertices: 19000 HQ HousePlants Spathiphyllum Wallisii Bellini Peace Lily Domino Set02 7 months agomax, fbx, obj 2.00 USD
Pro HQ HousePlants Spathiphyllum Wallisii Bellini Peace Lily Domino 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona, standard -Formats: 3ds max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Height: 80 cm x 70 cm x 60 cm Vertices: 596000 HQ HousePlants Spathiphyllum Wallisii Bellini Peace Lily Domino 9 months ago3ds max, fbx, obj 3.00 USD