Pro Bed ALPINE 3ds Max 2016 corona -Formats: 3ds max, fbx, obj Dimensions: 414.93 x 224.63 x 187.54mm Vertices: 613260 Bed ALPINE 3 months ago3ds max, fbx, obj 28.00 USD
Pro Catalpa Bignonioides Nana Indian Bean and Rocky Mountain Juniper 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Height: 170cm x 220cm x 260cm x 270cm Vertices: 1352000 Catalpa Bignonioides Nana Indian Bean and Rocky Mountain Juniper 4 months ago3ds max, fbx, obj 6.00 USD
Pro HQ HousePlants Beech Olea Europaea Olive Eucalyptu Joyplants Mini Fig 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona, standard -Formats: 3ds max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Height:130 cm x 200 cm x 210 cm Vertices: 304000 HQ HousePlants Beech Olea Europaea Olive Eucalyptu Joyplants Mini Fig 4 months ago3ds max, fbx, obj 3.00 USD
Pro Palo verde 2 trees 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Height: 420cm Vertices: 1523000 Palo verde 2 trees 5 months ago3ds max, obj 5.00 USD
Pro Monkey Puzzle Tree Araucaria Araucana 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Models height: 1900cm x 2350cm Vertices: 1734000 Monkey Puzzle Tree Araucaria Araucana 5 months ago3ds max, obj 5.00 USD
Pro Mediterranean Cypress 3Trees 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Models height: 900cm x 680cm x 630cm Vertices: 1734000 Mediterranean Cypress 3Trees 5 months ago3ds max, obj 5.00 USD
Pro Mexican Fan Palm Washingtonia Robusta 9 trees 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Models height: 300cm x 350cm x 500cm x 600cm x 800cm x 950cm x 1270cm x 1310cm x 1400cm Vertices: 718000 Mexican Fan Palm Washingtonia Robusta 9 trees 5 months ago3ds max, fbx, obj 7.00 USD
Pro Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo Biloba Gardens 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Height: 10m Vertices: 1322000 Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo Biloba Gardens 6 months ago3ds max, obj 3.00 USD
Pro Grey Alder Tree Alnus incana 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Models height: 1300cm x 1000cm Vertices: 1327000 Grey Alder Tree Alnus incana 6 months ago3ds max, obj 5.00 USD
Pro Magical Tree Tunnel Was Carved Out 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Height: 6m Vertices: 1732000 Magical Tree Tunnel Was Carved Out 6 months ago3ds max, obj 5.00 USD
Pro European Bladdernut Tree Staphylea Pinnata 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Models height: 4.3m, 3.8m Polygons: 1.019 Vertices: 1602000 European Bladdernut Tree Staphylea Pinnata 6 months ago3ds max, obj 5.00 USD
Pro Italian Cypress High details 3Trees 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Models height: 725cm x 680cm x 600cm Vertices: 1789000 Italian Cypress High details 3Trees 6 months ago3ds max, obj 5.00 USD
Pro Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo Biloba Fall 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Height: 10m Vertices: 1576000 Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo Biloba Fall 6 months ago3ds max, obj 3.00 USD
Pro Eucalyptus Tree 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: height: 19.5m x 16.5m Polygons: 970000 Vertices: 1822000 Eucalyptus Tree 6 months ago3ds max, obj 5.00 USD
Pro European Beech 2 Trees 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: height: 1200cm Polygons: 956000 Vertices: 1680000 European Beech 2 Trees 6 months ago3ds max, obj 5.00 USD
Pro Juniperus chinensis Spartan Taylor Juniper 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Models height: 620cm x 470cm x 400cm x 220cm Vertices: 1796000 Juniperus chinensis Spartan Taylor Juniper 6 months ago3ds max, obj 5.00 USD
Pro Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo Biloba 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Height: 10m Vertices: 1572000 Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo Biloba 6 months ago3ds max, obj 3.00 USD
Pro Ghost Gum Tree Corymbia Aparrerinja 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: height: 750cm Polygons: 846000 Vertices: 1394000 Ghost Gum Tree Corymbia Aparrerinja 6 months ago3ds max, obj 5.00 USD
Pro Joy Perfume Orange Michelia Champaca 3 Trees 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Models height: 270cm Vertices: 515000 Joy Perfume Orange Michelia Champaca 3 Trees 6 months ago3ds max, fbx, obj 5.00 USD
Pro Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo Biloba Fall Gardens 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Height: 10m Vertices: 1484000 Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo Biloba Fall Gardens 6 months ago3ds max, obj 3.00 USD
Pro Big Joy Perfume Orange Michelia Champaca Tree 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: height: 600m x 700m Polygons: 862000 Vertices: 1289000 Big Joy Perfume Orange Michelia Champaca Tree 6 months ago3ds max, obj 4.00 USD
Pro Black Spruce Picea Mariana Pine 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: height: 1670cm x 1760cm Polygons: 951000 Vertices: 2103000 Black Spruce Picea Mariana Pine 6 months ago3ds max, obj 4.00 USD
Pro Beautiful 2Trees Bush Leaf 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: Models height: 13m x 16m Polygons: 1 Vertices: 1640000 Beautiful 2Trees Bush Leaf 6 months ago3ds max, obj 4.00 USD
Pro Birch 2trees 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: height: 1080cm x 1000cm Polygons: 1 Vertices: 1491000 Birch 2trees 6 months ago3ds max, obj 4.00 USD
Pro Velvet Mesquite 2Trees 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: height: 680cm Polygons: 947000 Vertices: 1629000 Velvet Mesquite 2Trees 6 months ago3ds max, obj 4.00 USD
Pro Water Gum Tree 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: height: 570cm x 620cm Polygons: 983000 Vertices: 1722000 Water Gum Tree 6 months ago3ds max, obj 4.00 USD
Pro Canadian Poplar 2 Trees 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: 3ds max, obj Dimensions: height: 1000cm Polygons: 942000 Vertices: 1577000 Canadian Poplar 2 Trees 6 months ago3ds max, obj 4.00 USD
Pro indoor plants set 96 Strelitzia Reginae Nicolai and Mountain Kentia Palm 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona -Formats: max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Height: 60cm x 105cm x 140cm x 145cm x 170cm Polygons: 346000 Vertices: 385000 indoor plants set 96 Strelitzia Reginae Nicolai and Mountain Kentia Palm 7 months agomax, fbx, obj 4.00 USD
Pro HQ HousePlants Pelagio Artificial Mountain Kentia Palm02 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona, standard -Formats: 3ds max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Height: 110 cm Polygons: 153000 Vertices: 164000 HQ HousePlants Pelagio Artificial Mountain Kentia Palm02 7 months ago3ds max, fbx, obj 2.00 USD
Pro HQ HousePlants Pelagio Artificial Mountain Kentia Palm 3ds Max 2015 vray, corona, standard -Formats: 3ds max, fbx, obj Dimensions: Height: 140 cm Polygons: 123000 Vertices: 130000 HQ HousePlants Pelagio Artificial Mountain Kentia Palm 7 months ago3ds max, fbx, obj 2.00 USD
Pro ETRO Home Interiors 3ds Max 2016 corona -Formats: 3ds max, fbx Dimensions: 1574.45 x 536.88 x 885.09mm Vertices: 3384 ETRO Home Interiors 9 months ago3ds max, fbx 13.00 USD
Pro EXENZA FRAME UP 3ds Max 2016 corona -Formats: 3ds max, fbx Dimensions: 3426.8 x 499.99 x 1051.11mm Vertices: 33612 EXENZA FRAME UP 9 months ago3ds max, fbx 16.00 USD